Marda Loop’s November President’s Message


We have had a busy and fun fall at the MLCA. In September, we held our annual Volunteer Appreciation event, giving us an opportunity to thank our dedicated volunteers. In October, we held our AGM and our Oktoberfest event, which was a huge success. We restarted our Fireside Chats, held a Halloween Youth Dance and, in coordination with The City, we hosted a Mobility Open House. Even with all of that going on, we found time to raise funds by volunteering at our Casino, which is held every second year.

The MLCA Member Discount Program is flourishing and 16 local businesses now offer exclusive discounts to MLCA members. Don’t miss out on the savings – get an MLCA membership now!

Fall programs are in full swing, including the new Intro to Art and Drawing for ages 7 to 12 and FitRev Bootcamp for adults. Our continuing programs include Yoga, Idea Lab, Prancing Peanuts, Seniors Meetings, Senior Fit, Preschool, Playgroup and Swim Club.

Upcoming events include Beer Tasting on November 1, which will replace our traditional wine tasting evening, Movie Night at the MLCA for families on November 15, and a Fireside Chat on November 20, where Dr. Michael King will discuss The Aging Brain.

Please check this newsletter and the MLCA website for further details and to register for upcoming programs and events. I always appreciate your comments and welcome your emails at [email protected].

Doug Fraser
