December with the Prairie Winds 4-H Club


New Executive Excited to Lead New Year

by Caleb Donner (Club Reporter)

The 4-H year is back in full swing with elections being held at our second general meeting. After doing the position nominations, any positions with two or more people nominated had to deliver a speech about why they felt they would be the best candidate. Most of the executive positions were filled with new members who won by acclamation; however, the Club Reporter and District Representative positions were voted in. Congratulations to Kalyn N (President), Brynn L (Vice-President), Summer D (Secretary), Jordyn N (Treasurer), Amy J (Parliamentarian), Emmett D (Club Historian), Caleb D (Club Reporter), and Luke V (District Representative).

A silkscreen workshop was the second project this 4-H year. The Prairie Winds 4-H Club went to a local screen-print shop to learn about silk-screening. The primary instructor was Rick, and his assistants were Robin and Dave. First, Rick explained how a screen print canvas works with ink. Next, he demonstrated how to line up and properly secure the item for screen printing. Then Rick showed us how to apply the ink on the tote bags. Each member was able to screen print a bag to take home. A favourite activity was using the mini heating press to melt our initials on the small tote bags.

In November, we enjoyed the glass blowing project and money smarts workshop. The Salvation Army Christmas hamper packing community service event was a blast! At our third general meeting, some members earned 4-H diary awards for participation done both in and beyond 4-H.

Upcoming December events include a rustic sign making workshop and an office decorating fundraiser event downtown.

To find out more about our club, please email [email protected].