City Planning and Civic Affairs in Oakridge

Oakridge pm

2020 is likely to have several topics of interest to Oakridge Community Association (OCA) Members and Residents. Our intention is to try to keep you advised of any key issues that might affect you and any meetings or updates we obtain from the City or other Stakeholders (ex: Coop, Tsuut’ina Nation, Other Community Associations, etc). We may also want to obtain some feedback from members and residents on these issues via surveys, community meetings or other communication methods. Terry Kemp and Hugh Stewart are your new VPs for Civic Affairs and we have recently split responsibilities so that we can efficiently support you from a community perspective. Please note, however many issues, especially those not related to the Community Association or of a personal nature, are best dealt with through your Ward 11 Councillor, Jeromy Farkas.

We look forward to an exciting and busy 2020, so expect to hear from us on Planning and Civic Affairs in the next issue of the Echo.