Calgary Parks – Spring in the City!


Calgary is home to an abundance of wildlife which make their homes in our parks and natural areas. The arrival of spring is a great reminder of the importance of coexisting with these animals. One way this can be achieved is through maintaining a distance from their young.

Baby hares, deer, and squirrels may appear to be abandoned by their parents, and our help is not usually needed. These wildlife babies are often left alone to keep them safe. Removing wildlife from their natural habitat can decrease their chances of survival and even compromise your safety.

Wildlife is best enjoyed from a distance and this is especially important for coyotes. Coyotes may become more aggressive if you are near a den and they are protecting their young. Always keep your distance when you spot wildlife to reduce the chance of conflict.

Some tips on living with (and enjoying) Calgary’s wildlife:

  • Do not feed wildlife.
  • Stay on designated City trails and pathways.
  • Always keep your pets leashed and under control
  • Clean up food and pet waste – this reduces wildlife being attracted to the area by the food source.

Remember: wild animals are best enjoyed from a distance and left alone. Contact 311 to report your sightings or concerns. Further information can be found at: