Glenbrook’s May President’s Message


Hello everyone,

I hope that you are all staying safe and healthy during these unprecedented times. The COVID-19 outbreak has taken a toll on all of our lives no matter where we are, and Glenbrook is no different. In light of the pandemic, the Community Association and our community hall have made several operational changes. The health and safety of the community continues to be our number one priority.

At the start of April, the city opted to cancel all events, public gatherings, and events until June 30 in response to the pandemic, as several other cities in Canada had. This is on top of mandatory mass gathering restrictions put forth by the provincial government, stating that no gatherings with an expected attendance of 15 people or more shall go on, including any outdoor social gatherings, religious gatherings, weddings, funerals, or any other previously planned function. Essentially, people should not be meeting if they do not have to, and should stay home as much as possible over the next few months at the very least. This means that our annual Glenbrook Community Clean-Up, which was planned for June 7, will be cancelled for 2020, a decision in alignment with local, Provincial, and Federal directions.

Until directed differently, our community hall will be following the recommended guidelines set out by the Government of Alberta in its declared state of emergency, and that of other City of Calgary business units. We all have a part to play in preventing the spread of this public health threat, and the weeks ahead may be difficult, but we will get through them. The Board of Directors continues to monitor the situation, and remains committed to the preservation of the Society. For now, please avoid crowded places, practice social distancing with those you do meet, self-isolate if you may have been exposed to COVID-19, and above all, stay at home if you can. Check on your community, help out a neighbour, and look out for each other during these circumstances.

Take Care,

Murray Ost
