May Notes from the Sandstone-MacEwan President


I started writing April’s message before COVID-19 hit Canada and the rest of the world with a vengeance. My proposed message about the optimism of spring and the rush to get outdoors and start activities seems a bit silly and naïve reading it now.

Some of us are working too much, some not enough and sadly, some not at all. We are stressed out trying to make sure we have enough supplies, figuring out if we have the funds to do this, and being brave enough to line up at the grocery stores. Our kids’ lives have been turned upside down as they have lost their routine of school, activities, and friends, while parents have suddenly become their teachers, friends, coaches, IT support, and so on.

We are worried about our parents and other older relatives who we can only support from afar. Our routines, which kept us sane, are ‘out the window’. The stress of all this and so much more may even be keeping some of us awake at night.

We are inundated with information coming from three levels of government and wondering if we qualify for support and if ‘yes’, how much? I would like to offer a special thanks to Michelle Rempel Gardner for her continued communication with the SMCA Board and her willingness to assist where she can.

Attached are important links for you to refer to:


I’m hoping by the time this letter is published, the incidences of those testing positive with COVID-19 will have decreased and we can celebrate that our social distancing practices have been successful.

As a result of COVID-19, Great News Media has advised they will not be mailing our newsletter, and only a digital copy will be released. We would like to hear from those of you who you read a hard copy of our newsletter – do you think we should continue our efforts to have it mailed? As an Association, we struggle to communicate with residents who are not on social media and invite any ideas you may have for us to improve in this area.

Please continue to get outside and ride, run or walk; it is critical for your mind and body and very easy to practice social distancing. Take a photo of what you are doing to respect social distancing and send it to us at [email protected].

We invite you to share your ideas and stories of acts of kindness you and people you know are experiencing using any of the listed sites below.

Please contact us on our website or our social media sites including our website and Facebook Sandstone MacEwan Community Association, Twitter @sandstonemac or Look for our emails that we send out occasionally and email us at [email protected] to be included in this distribution list.

Please consider purchasing a SMCA membership. You can go to to purchase your membership online or email Carolyn Gomez at [email protected].

Sue Coatham

President SMCA

[email protected]