Coping with COVID


by Jennifer C., Age 10

These few months have been tough for everyone. Doctors and nurses working fulltime to support communities, scientists are working hard to find a cure, while everyone’s staying indoors as much as possible to flatten the curve. We even see acts of kindness and compassion roaming around communities from strangers. But there are still lots of people stuck at home with nothing to do. If you are one of those people, then this article is just for you! Everyone else, you can still enjoy these both indoor and outdoor activities while flattening the curve and social distancing.

  1. Plant Something

Gardening is a pretty calming activity. You don’t even have to have a garden! All you need are some seeds, plant pots, soil, a nice sunny spot for your plant, and energy. The great thing about this activity is that you can continue it every day, pandemic or no pandemic.

  1. Make a Hobby

Hobbies are great for when you’re bored. You’ll know exactly what to do. It can be anything! Crafting, baking, maybe even doing the dishes (even though I don’t think anyone would want to do that)!

  1. Read a Book

It might seem boring, but once you snuggle up with a (interesting enough) book, you’ll feel amazingly relaxed. You still have to keep your brain running and NOT turn into a brain-eating zombie!


Even if schools out and you don’t have to go to work every day, that is not an excuse to not keep learning. You have to keep on giving fuel to your brain, or else when you go back to work and/or school, you won’t know what to do or what your teacher and/or boss is talking about. That would be a big yikes!

  1. Write About Something

You can start a story or an informative text. You can continue it every day. You can choose whatever topic you want to write about, and you can make as many texts as you want. Best of all, you might be able to publish it in the future! Now imagine that!

  1. Go Outside

There is some lovely weather outside so there is no excuse to not want to go outside. You can just walk around in your backyard or just take a walk in the park. Don’t forget to social distance, though!

  1. Stay in Touch with Friends and Family

During this difficult time, we should be there to lend a hand to friends and family. You can take it a step further and help food donation companies or help at a senior care center (if you want, though).

  1. Have Some Time to Hang Out with Your Family

You and your family can have one of the best times in your life during this cruel time of need. If your family doesn’t have time, then make time. Find a day that you and your family can have some free time together and arrange it. Just a short amount of time with your family can create a stronger bond with them.

  1. Do Chores

This may sound boring and straight forward, but at least it’s better than doing nothing!

  1. Do Some Arts and Crafts

Doing crafts is an amazing activity to do at home and there are even people that are already doing it! If you don’t have any glue or markers, etc., then simply draw or make your own craft that you have the supplies to make. Doing arts and crafts can help your imagination and creativity grow.

I hope this list of activities was helpful to you or else I would not know what the point in making this article if it didn’t help anyone and thank you!