A Message from the Nitanisak Girl Guides

Categories Girl Guides

At the time of writing this article (early September), Girl Guide units are just starting to ramp up for the year. We have just found out that we are operating in Outdoor Stage 2, which means we can meet in person outdoors. Yay! It will be great to see our girls in person, albeit physically distanced, but it will be nice to see them face to face again.

Girl Guide leaders have been spending some time planning great activities such as outside hikes, scavenger hunts and outdoor wide games. Once the weather turns colder, we will either move to virtual meetings (yet still fun – indoor scavenger hunts, group crafts, learning campfire songs) or perhaps to indoor meetings. As with all things right now, it is a fluid situation and a lot can change in a few weeks.

Girl Guide cookies will be coming out by now as well. Chocolatey mint cookies will be made available, quite possibly online (which is new!) and possibly door to door as well. If you do see opportunities to buy from your local Girl Guide, please do support them. Only $5 per box!

We hope you all stay safe this fall, and thank you for supporting Girl Guides in your community.