Preparing Your Home and Yard for Winter: The Fall Checklist is a Great Place to Start!


Do you wonder every fall if you are doing the right things—indoors and outdoors—to prepare your home for winter? The Homeowner Water Guide Fall Checklist is a great place to start, with simple steps you can take to improve your water efficiency, protect your home from leaks and prepare your yard for winter. You’ll find great reminders and tips like:

  • Check your toilets, taps, humidifier, hot water heater, water softener and other water-using devices for leaks
  • Turn off your outdoor water supply and winterize your irrigation system to avoid winter leaks
  • Check the Watering 101 Guides to find out when to stop watering plants, shrubs and trees
  • Check the lawn care guide for tips on letting your grass grow into dormancy—when to stop watering and cutting

When it comes to residential and household leaks, toilets, faucets and outdoor irrigation are the most common culprits, although any water-using device can leak. The Homeowner Water Guide is intended to educate and guide citizens on indoor and outdoor water use on their property. It also provides step-by-step procedures for both identifying and repairing leaks in our homes, and guidance on using water in the most efficient ways possible.

To find everything you need, including the Fall Checklist, visit