Storm Ponds

Calgary Wet Pond

Storm ponds are not intended for recreational use. The water in storm ponds is constantly flowing with fluctuating water levels and contains pollutants. For the health and safety of the public several activities are prohibited, including swimming, skating, boating, fishing and fish stocking.

Storm Ponds are natural looking man-made facilities designed to collect runoff following either a rainfall or snowmelt event.

Besides helping to mitigate local flooding, the 200 plus ponds that The City currently operates and maintains, improves the quality of water that eventually reaches the rivers.

Storm ponds or wet ponds collect water and run-off from the storm water system, trapping sediment and pollutants such as oils and chemicals from driveways and roadways, fertilizer, pesticides, and sediments and debris from roads and underdeveloped areas, helping return cleaner water to rivers and streams. These ponds are a vital part of Calgary’s storm water system.

For more information please visit