Community Policing

A message from the Federation of Calgary Communities


Community policing is, quite simply, police officers and Calgarians working in partnership, to prevent crime, and to find long-lasting solutions to the problems that threaten public safety.

This innovative approach to policing focuses on fostering positive relationships, engaging the community, and maintaining an open dialogue between the police and members of the community.

The reality is that police officers cannot be everywhere all the time. It is very important for Calgarians to let police know of about suspicious or criminal activities going on in their neighbourhoods. This information allows for the allocation of appropriate resources to investigations and crime prevention strategies.

The Calgary Police Service works with Calgarians to learn about community priorities, the needs of crime victims, and how to best serve our city.

Calgarians are encouraged to maintain positive relationships with their neighbours, local school officials and community organizations in order to have a better understanding of the dynamics in the community. This will allow for everyone to note when something is amiss, and to work together to keep communities safe.

It is important to call 911 to report a crime in progress. Call (403) 266-1234 to report suspicious individuals/vehicles, and crimes in your neighbourhood.

Some property crimes can be reported online at The Calgary Police Service also has a Crime Mapping feature online that will educate Calgarians about the types of crimes that have been reported in various communities.