Personal Safety While Walking


A Message from the Federation of Calgary Communities

Walking is a great way to stay active and get to know your community! While out walking, keep these safety tips in mind:

  • Practice safe physical distancing by staying at least 2 metres—roughly the length of an average bicycle, tire to tire—from others you encounter on your walk. Follow all suggestions and restrictions put forward by the City of Calgary
  • Tell someone where you are going, which route you are taking, and when you will be back.
  • Be aware of your surroundings. Notice everything that goes on near you and particularly in front of you. The earlier you notice a possible problem the greater chance you have of dealing with it.
  • Listen to your instincts. Something that does not look or seem right will probably cause a problem – so if you notice something like this, move yourself away from it as quickly as possible.
  • Walk facing the traffic.
  • Walk near the curb unless cars are parked in the street. Stay away from shrubbery, darkened doorways, and alleys where an assailant can be hiding.
  • Never assume parked cars are empty.
  • Avoid using headphones – you might not hear trouble approaching. If you use headphones, it is recommended that you keep the volume low enough to allow you to hear anyone approaching as well as any traffic coming in your direction.
  • Be wary of casual requests from strangers (someone asking for directions, a cigarette or change – they could have ulterior motives).
  • Be alert. Look over your shoulder once in a while.
  • Never accept rides with strangers.
  • If you carry a purse, briefcase, or bag, keep a tight grip on it so no one can steal it.
  • Enjoy your walk, but always remain aware of your surroundings!