Support Your Community Association As One of Your ‘3 Things for Calgary’


What is 3 Things for Calgary? It’s pretty simple. This initiative challenges Calgarians to do three things for Calgary – three acts of service to give back to our city. If every Calgarian did three things for Calgary, we would have more than 3,000,000 actions making Calgary an even better city. The initiative asks Calgarians to:


  1. Think
    Think about three things you can do to make Calgary better. These can be for your street, your community, or the entire city. What are your skills and passions? What issues are important to you? The three things you do are up to you.


  1. Do your 3 Things for Calgary
    Every action you take, big or small, makes a difference
    in our city.


  1. Encourage three more people to also do 3 Things for Calgary
    Your actions can be an inspiration for others, so share your experiences and tell your story!

An easy way to knock one of your 3 Things off the list is to support your community association! How? There are many ways you can show your appreciation for the organization and volunteers working hard every day to make sure you love where you live:


  • Take some time to learn about your community association
  • Follow them on social media
  • Attend a community association event
  • Purchase/renew an annual membership
  • Volunteer for a community event
  • Attend the AGM
  • Join the board or directors or a committee of the board
  • Thank them for all they do for you and your neighbours!


To find out more about your community association visit and click on “Join Your Community”