5 Summer Travel Safety Tips

suitcase cat
Alexas_Fotos / Pixabay

Happy (almost) summer everyone!

We hope you have been having a great June so far! June is always a busy month at the shelter as preparation for our summer camp program kicks in to high gear. All month long we will be preparing to welcome hundreds of young campers to enjoy their summer with us! With summer vacations on the horizon our call centre has also been getting a lot of questions about how to best keep pets safe while travelling this summer, so this month we are bringing you our top 5 summer travel safety tips for your pet!

  1. Make sure identification is up to date! Nothing is more scary than having your pet go missing in a strange place, but having up to date identification greatly increases the chances your pet will get back to you safely! Double check your pet’s collar tag and the registration on their tattoo or microchip to ensure your information is correct. If you will be using a different phone number while on vacation consider having a special collar tag made for the trip.
  2. Update your pet’s vaccines and preventative medications! Pay a visit to your vet before vacation to find out what vaccines and preventative medications your pet should have. Just as with humans, vaccinations should be based on where your pet is visiting. Your vet is the best person to advise on what vaccines are most appropriate for your pet.
  3. Bring fresh water for Fido! Just like humans our pets can catch parasites, like giardia, from drinking out of streams or rivers. Bring fresh water to keep Fido happy and hydrated.
  4. Bring plenty of your pet’s regular food! Sudden changes in food type can leave a pet with an upset tummy. We recommend bringing a few extra days’ worth of kibble, just in case!
  5. NEVER leave your pet in the car! The temperature inside a car can climb dangerously high very fast, even when parked in the shade. Pre-plan your journey to be pet friendly and bring a leash so a travel companion can take your pet for a walk if you need to stop for supplies.

Would you like more information on how to keep your pet safe this summer? Do you have questions about Fido’s behaviour before you hit the open road? Interested in learning more about all the fun summer programs running at the shelter? We would love to hear from you! Visit www.calgaryhumane.ca or call 403-205-4455.