Save the Wolves


by Chloe B., Age 8, Deer Ridge Resident

A lot of people think wolves will attack them. In the past, people were afraid wolves would attack their farm animals. Most hunters don’t like wolves because they both hunt the same animals. However, adult wolves are usually scared of humans because humans are their only predator. Wolf cubs have predators like grizzly bears, cougars and even eagles.

Here are some cool facts about five different types of wolves:

Red wolves are endangered. There used to be more than 100,000 red wolves in the wild. As of April 2018, there were only about 40 red wolves left in the wild. Red wolves are actually brown, white, and they have a little bit of red on their face.

Grey wolves are the most common type of wolf in the whole world. There are a lot of different types of grey wolves. Australia’s wild dog, which is called the dingo, is a subspecies of the grey wolf. Another type of grey wolf is the Arctic wolf.

Arctic wolves have short legs and thick white fur, which helps them stay warm in their freezing habitat. Arctic wolves are smaller than ordinary grey wolves. One more type of grey wolf is the Mexican wolf.

Mexican wolves are the most endangered type of grey wolf in the world. In Spanish, the word for Mexican wolf is el lobo.

Black wolves are becoming more common in North America. Their black colored fur might have come from domestic dogs that mated with wolves.

It is hard to tell the difference between a coyote and a wolf, but coyotes have pointed ears and a small nose. Wolves have small, round ears. They are bigger and weigh twice as much as coyotes.

Here are some ways you could help save the wolves! There are wolf and wolf dog sanctuaries where you can donate. There are also places like zoos where you can donate or volunteer.

  1. (There are only 40 red wolves left in the wild)
  2. Wolves by KidsWorld