City Nature Challenge 2022


April 29 to May 2

The fourth annual Calgary City Nature Challenge is back to celebrate the biodiversity within our communities! This is your chance to show the world the amazing nature that can be found in the Calgary region. Nearly 600 cities from across the globe will compete to see which can make the most nature observations, document the most species, and engage the most people. 50 cities in Canada will take part in 2022.

Help put Calgary’s urban biodiversity on the map April 29 to May 2! Explore anywhere in Calgary, Airdrie, Cochrane, Okotoks, Chestermere, and Glenbow Ranch Provincial Park. Take photos of any plants, insects, birds, mammals, fungi, and lichens you encounter and upload them to the iNaturalist app before May 8. Global results will be announced on May 9.

Take part in a park bioblitz or go rogue with friends and family while you explore your city under a new lens. Your observations will not only help put Calgary in the City Nature Challenge but also help researchers and scientists study our local urban biodiversity like never before.

Will you join the challenge?

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Facebook/Twitter: @citynatureyyc