July in Fish Creek Provincial Park

Wellness in Fish Creek

Relax, unwind, and rejuvenate body, mind, and spirit through a variety of mainly outdoor wellness-based programs this summer. The Friends are pleased to facilitate community focused wellness activities that help people to connect with the park and others. Looking after physical and mental health is key to overall wellness and we invite you to take part in some of the amazing programs being offered this summer. Online sessions include guided meditations and hiking instruction, while outdoor programs in the beautiful natural setting of Fish Creek Provincial Park include Yoga, Bungy Pump and Forest Bathing. Stay tuned to our website for more information; https://friendsoffishcreek.org/programs/wellness-clinics.

Creekfest – Reimagined!

Creekfest is an important component to our Watershed Public Awareness campaign and it would traditionally be a free one-day festival in Fish Creek Provincial Park. The current economic and social situation brought on by COVID-19 has changed the way we will be able to organize and deliver Creekfest, so this year, the Friends will bring you Creekfest – Reimagined! Creekfest – Reimagined will kick off on Saturday, July 18 with an online concert from Peter Puffin’s Whale Tales, Juno-award winning children’s performer and long-time supporter of Fish Creek Provincial Park. Peter Puffin’s Whale Tales’ will share his message of conservation in his energetic and captivating style through a free virtual performance. Creekfest – Reimagined will take place during the week of July 18 – 24 and this year’s festivities will focus on staying connected to each other and to the Fish Creek Community. Through new innovations for outreach and engagement, we are hoping to reach an even wider audience than we could through a one-day event. Thank you to Creekfest supporters Land Stewardship Centre of Canada, funded by Alberta Environment at Parks, Miistakis Institute/Calgary Foundation, City of Calgary, TD Park People Grants and RBC Tech for Nature. Please contact the Friends for more information and stay tuned to www.friendsoffishcreek/event/creekfest and Facebook, facebook.com/creekfestinfishcreek, for updates on Creekfest – Reimagined!

Capture Nature – Photography Contest – May 1 – July 31
The Capture Nature Photo Contest is a creative way of enjoying the beauty and inspiration of Fish Creek

Provincial Park. It’s a good-spirited competition for all ages and levels of photography, and a great excuse to visit the park on a regular basis. This year’s themes are A Bug’s Eye View, Power & Grace, and Weather or Not. We know the themes are a bit challenging, and we hope they will encourage you to look at and connect with the park in a different way. All photos must be taken in Fish Creek Provincial Park and can be submitted at any point during the contest, but the earlier the better! The public will be able to vote for their favourite photos through our online gallery, so early submissions will have more time to collect votes! Many thanks to our contest sponsors for their generous donations of contest prizes: MEC, RMB Photography and Vistek. To register or for more information, visit https://friendsoffishcreek.org/programs/capturenature.

Shaw Birdies for Kids presented by AltaLink

Support Outdoor Education in Fish Creek and Your Donation will be Matched Up to 50%! Shaw Birdies for Kids presented by AltaLink (BFK) is a truly amazing program that helps to raise funds for children throughout Alberta. BFK runs in conjunction with the Shaw Charity Classic, taking place August 24 – 30 at Canyon Meadows Golf & Country Club. Through BFK your donation will be matched up to 50% and your contribution can go even further. We are very grateful that the Friends of Fish Creek and our Learning Naturally program has once again been chosen as one of more than 200 Alberta charities to

participate in Birdies for Kids this year. Birdies for Kids will support the Friends’ Learning Naturally program, which includes TD Learning Naturally. TD Learning Naturally helps provide over 4700 children each year with a life-changing field trip to Fish Creek Provincial Park. Students in the TD Learning Naturally program attend economically disadvantaged schools in Calgary and may not have the opportunity to visit Fish Creek were it not for Learning Naturally. This essential program does not receive regular funding and we rely on ongoing donations from community members and organizations. Please talk to your friends, family members and even your employer about contributing this year. To donate or for more information, contact the Friends or visit https://friendsoffishcreek.org/event/birdies.