July with Friends of Fish Creek


Wellness Programs – Summer 2019

Get outside, enjoy some nature and sunshine, and support your mental, physical, spiritual health in the process. Experience Raja Yoga, Good Morning Yoga, Blending Yoga and Qi Gong, Nature Babes, Success Without Stress/Meditation, Postural Pilates, and Saturday Wellness Workshops – Dealing With Grief Through Nature and Spring Forest Qi Gong, Spring into Shape and Keep Fit with Bungy Pumps!, Canine Meditation and Rainbow Wellness Workshop. All sessions take place at the Bow Valley Ranch in Fish Creek Provincial Park. For more information, visit friendsoffishcreek.org/programs/wellness-clinics.

Connect with Nature and Celebrate Healthy Watersheds at Creekfest:

Your Local Parks Day Event!

Saturday, July 20, 2019 from 11:00 am to 4:00 pm

Bow Valley Ranch, Fish Creek Provincial Park (South end of Bow Bottom Tr. SE)

World Water Day helps raise awareness about the global issue of safe and clean water. While we are fortunate to enjoy an abundance of clean water here in Canada, the potential for water pollution and unhealthy watershed ecosystems concerns community members who enjoy visiting parks and other natural areas. The Friends of Fish Creek developed the Watershed Awareness campaign, which engages community members through fun events and hands-on activities. This raises awareness about healthy watershed ecosystems, responsible water usage, water conservation and sustainable natural areas. Creekfest: Your Local Parks Day Event is an important component of our Watershed Awareness Campaign that focuses on Fish Creek and protected natural areas in this province.

The Friends of Fish Creek invite you and your family to experience the ninth annual Creekfest, at the Bow Valley Ranch on Saturday, July 20. Creekfest began in 2011 as a fun way to engage community members around Fish Creek Provincial Park and increase awareness towards Alberta’s many other beautiful provincial parks, in addition to water conservation issues.

At Creekfest: Your Local Parks Day Event, kids and families will learn about environmental stewardship, conservation, and biodiversity through educational games and activities, hosted by local non-profit groups and community-focused businesses. These include: Rocky Mountain Adaptive, Alberta Institute for Wildlife Conservation, Alberta Native Plant Council, Green Calgary, Glenbow Ranch Park Foundation and many more!

You can also learn to juggle with Michelle and Peter, the Juggling Clowns, who will be returning to Creekfest for the second year in a row. New this year are Rattle and Strum, awarding-winning and nationally recognized local family performers, who will take to the stage and have both children and parents singing, dancing and bopping along to their unique and hilarious songs. We are also pleased to welcome Bud Edgar, Joker and Trick Roper, and Sheila Edgar, Ventriloquist and Trick Roper, to Creekfest! Stay tuned to www.friendsoffishcreek.org/event/creekfest for more information.

The Friends would like to thank the following supporters for helping to bring Creekfest – Your Local Parks Day Event to life: The City of Calgary, the Pumphouse Theatre, Bullfrog Power, BluPlanet Recycling, MI DJ & Sound and Great Events Catering.

Capture Nature – Friends of Fish Creek Photo Contest Runs Until July 31

Let the beauty of Fish Creek Provincial Park inspire your photographic creativity in this friendly competition to capture the best park photo of the year! This year’s challenging and inspiring themes are Symmetry, Lunch! and Movement. All photos must be taken in Fish Creek Provincial Park and can be submitted at any point during the contest, but the earlier the better! For more information, visit friendsoffishcreek.org/programs/capturenature.

Fish Creek Community Showcase: Featured Artist Jim Pescott

Thursday, July 11 from 6:30 pm -8:00 pm – The Cookhouse

Join us for our next Fish Creek Community Showcase Meet the Artist Event for an opportunity to meet local artist, Jim Pescott, the left. Tea and treats will be available for your enjoyment. To register, visit https://jimpescott.eventbrite.ca.

Walking and Minibus Tours

Through both public and private tours, members of the public have the opportunity to participate in guided walks, or hop on our minibus, the latter of which ensures that those with limited mobility also have the opportunity to enjoy the vast area of the park. Here is a quick look at what we have to offer this year, as we bring back some old favorites and introduce some new opportunities – ReWilding for Restoration, Leave It to Beaver, A Park is Born and more! For additional information, visit www.friendsoffishcreek.org/programs.

Learning Naturally Kids Birding Camp

Tuesday, July 2 to Friday, July 5 8:00 am – 2:00 pm

Perfect for youth between 9 – 14 years of age who have shown interest in birds and birding. Youth can practice identifying local birds by size and shape, colour pattern, behaviour, and habitat. For more information, visit www.friendsoffishcreek.org/event/birdcamp.

Shaw Birdies of Kids presented by AltaLink

The Friends of Fish Creek are pleased to announce that we were selected as one of more than 120 local charities to participate in the Shaw Birdies for Kids Program, presented by AltaLink! This matching donation program will run until the closing of the Shaw Charity Classic Golf Tournament on September 1, 2019. Through Birdies for Kids, the Shaw Charity Classic Foundation will match every dollar contributed up to 50%, and all funds raised through our BFK partnership will support outdoor learning experiences for children here in Fish Creek Provincial Park. Visit www.friendsoffishcreek.org/birdies-for-kids for all of the information.

For more information, please contact:

Chris Lalonde

Communications Coordinator, Friends of Fish Creek

[email protected]

403-238-3841, Extension 1