December News from the Friends of Nose Hill

Friends of Nosehill

We were recently invited to join the National Community Park Group Network of “Park People”. The group has online resources, a Community Park Group Guidebook, park toolkits, and funding ideas. There are reports on the challenges and opportunities of our parks, in addition to information on how to make the case that “parks matter”, and videos of the first National City Conference. Potential members should review the Guiding Principle for Community Park Groups and create a map profile.

Nature Canada aims to have a positive impact on the natural world with the collaborative partnership of 150 women of influence. Women for Nature has the collaborative voices of Canadian women with vision, who choose to demonstrate their passion for nature and pass on their values to others in order to effect change. Women for Nature is a generous initiative by professional women from across Canada—this unique partnership of motivated women champions Nature Canada’s work to their network of colleagues and friends. The goal is to be more effective in the efforts to save wildlife, protect nature, and inspire young leaders.

Stand up for Protected Places in Canada! Our group has signed The Protected Places Declaration: A Natural Legacy, because protected areas directly address the primary driver of extinction, habitat loss and degradation. A mass extinction, unlike any since the disappearance of the dinosaurs 65 million years ago, has already resulted in global wildlife populations decreasing by over half, since the 1970s. Canada’s federal, provincial, and territorial Ministers of Environment, Parks and Wildlife signed A Statement of Commitment to Complete Canada’s Networks of Protected Areas, in 1992, and this work remains unfinished.