March News from the Friends of Nose Hill

Friends of Nosehill

Calgary Captured has placed and managed almost 70 remote wildlife cameras in Calgary parks, including Nose Hill. With the help of citizen scientists, partners, and funders, the team has classified 210,378 images to date (which amounts to 1.5 million independent classifications). You can check out their website at:

The City twitter handle is @cityofcalgary and some images are trending on: #calgarycaptured.

The Parks and Pathways Bylaw allows for closure of park areas to address safety concerns, manage wildlife, conduct maintenance and repairs, or allow for rehabilitation of natural areas. With limited resources, public awareness will be required to encourage compliance. The City reserves the right to close areas, restrict use, or limit activities. With a common-sense approach, users should still respect the environment and open space. The intent is to enforce the Bylaw in a manner that emphasizes education, but fines have increased for all offences.

The Alberta Native Plant Council (ANPC) Society offers Guidelines for Rare Plant Surveys and how to grow native plants. The “Keys to Alberta Species” lists 4 new families. Photos of many species are required. There is a Call Out for Presenters. A list of invasive species includes those regulated by the Alberta Weed Control Act. Plant Study Groups are across the province to nurture interest in— and expand the knowledge of— native plants and local ecology. In spring/summer, meet outdoors (in the field), indoors in fall/winter. The Southern Alberta Study Group meets at the U. of C. Herbarium. It is a friendly and informal venue to share a common fondness for plants and the natural world. The 2020 ANPC Workshop “Northern Native Plants and Ecosystems” will be on March 28, 2020 in Peace River, Alberta.