May Update from Friends of Nose Hill


Connect with The May Count of Plants in Bloom (May 25 – 29) which is an initiative by Nature Alberta annually hosted by the Alberta Native Plant Council to record plants in bloom. You choose a natural area and record the plants you see blooming. It is no problem at all if you find a flower that you don’t recognize. It can be ignored in your count. (Or you can take a photo for later identification). Collection of plant specimens is not allowed in any protected or restricted area, like Nose Hill. Contributors are asked to visit ( for guidelines.

This is an example of growing citizen science in the province. The purpose is to provide information on the distribution of flowering plants. However, any species information is valuable to the selected natural area. The project monitors the spread of non-native species and provides insights into the response of plants to variations in climate. Anyone who is familiar with Alberta wildflowers can participate. Email: [email protected]. Facebook: May Plant Count Nature Alberta. Instagram: @mayplantcount.

A proposed Environmental Strategy and Action Plan on improving Calgary’s environment over the next ten years will be shared with the City Executive Leadership Team before being presented to the City Council Committee on Utilities and Corporate Services, followed by Council.

How to grow difficult native species, create an organic lunchbox, and restore peat wetlands. These were only a few of the topics covered at a 2021 spring workshop “Northern Native Plants and Ecosystems”. The virtual event featured several presentations, such as the Yukon as a miniature Jurassic Park, how to discover past landscapes in Jasper National Park and to protect biodiversity in the Peace Region.