Water Meter Exchange Program, Drainage Improvements, South MacLeod Lands and Priddis Wetland Regional Park


Water Meter Exchange Program Update

The Meter Exchange program ensures water meters in homes remain reliable with a more efficient water meter reading service. The newer and more efficient meters are equipped with Encoded Receiver Transmitter (ERT) technology, which allows meters to be read by a portable device remotely, eliminating the need for monthly access to properties.

The number of meters being replaced in Ward 13 totals approximately 1893. In the next few weeks, additional residents in Ward 13 will be contacted that have water meters that have been identified as part of the standard process as requiring replacement.

To learn more, please visit CouncillorDiane.ca/2018/03/06/water-meter-exchange-update

Woodlands Woodbine Community Drainage Improvements – Secondary Improvements

The Community Drainage Improvements program was launched in 2010 to mitigate flooding in areas throughout the city. In recent years, the communities of Woodlands and Woodbine have experienced an unusually high number of high volume rainfall events. The proposed Secondary Improvements include:

  • Installation of inlet control devices
  • Catch basin upgrades
  • Storm sewer diversions
  • Spill route improvements

Construction for this project will begin this summer and be ongoing throughout 2019:

  • Spill route improvements
  • Catch basin upgrades
  • Storm main upgrade

To learn more, please visit Calgary.ca/WWCDI

South MacLeod Lands and Priddis Wetland Regional Park

The Priddis Wetland Regional Park has been part of a larger master planning study by Facility Management that is exploring the development of a new Operations Workplace Centre within the South MacLeod lands.

For Parks, the priority will be to ensure that the greenspace configuration is aligned with the protection and enhancement of the wetlands and their related upland and native grasslands within the plan area. Additionally, the greenspace must be contiguous, focused around the water’s edge and positioned such that opportunities for passive park enjoyment and recreation is both supported and sustainable. Access and connections to the surrounding new communities as well as to future transit will also be a priority.

As development for the Priddis Wetland Regional Park is currently unfunded, Parks will be submitting a request for capital funding through the One Calgary budget process. Funds requested for this site will help identify required stakeholder engagement, advance regulatory coordination and approvals, and support development of an appropriate concept design and vision for the park.