October 2023 Ward 14 Report – Councillor Peter Demong


Hi Ward 14!

Things are starting to get busy in October. Apart from the leaves, the pumpkins, Halloween, and Thanksgiving, City Council will also be getting ready for budget adjustments and tackling many other topics. Reach out to me to tell me what you think. As usual, I will talk about an interesting map available through maps.calgary.ca for this month’s column. There will also be tips on preparing for emergencies and fire safety in the kitchen. I will round it out with another edition of how to navigate the City of Calgary website.

Feel free to contact me any time, and don’t forget to visit calgary.ca/ward14newsletter for the full version of this column. The best way to contact me is by visiting calgary.ca/contactward14 or calling 403-268-1653.


Councillor Peter Demong

Ward 14 – Councillor Peter Demong proudly serves the following Communities: Bonavista Downs, Chaparral, Deer Ridge, Deer Run, Diamond Cove, Lake Bonavista, Legacy, McKenzie Lake, Midnapore , Mountain Park, Parkland, Queensland , Sundance, Walden, Wolf Willow