An Update on Short Term Rentals


Calgary City Council has passed new and enhanced regulations for short term rental properties in our City. The approved regulations and amendments are focused on enhancing the safety of guests and owners as well as preserving the vibrancy of Calgary neighborhoods. There will be a new tiered licence framework based on the size and category of the short-term rental property. To minimize red tape, the vast majority of short-term rental operators will be able to submit their business licence applications online, be charged a lower fee and be issued a licence in a shorter time frame.

The new Short-Term Licence Fees will be:

  • Tier 1 licence – $100 – For those who rent one to four rooms
  • Tier 2 licence – $191 + $104 for fire safety inspection – For those who rent five or more rooms

Please see for more information on the new short-term rental regulations.

There has been an increase in reports of coyotes in numerous communities in Ward 2. Most coyotes are harmless; however, it is important to take precautions to prevent interactions with coyotes. Please do not leave out food for coyotes and do not leave garbage laying around your yard. Also, please clean up after your pets, as coyotes and other rodents are attracted to the smell of pet waste. Please report any aggressive coyotes to The City via 311.

I was pleased to support a Resolution at City Council against Quebec’s Bill 21. Quebec isn’t just discriminatory towards Alberta oil, they are also discriminatory towards people of different cultures, religions and ethnicities as demonstrated by Quebec’s Bill 21. I thank City Council for unanimously supporting this Resolution against this discriminatory Quebec law.