Busy Winter for Council


Council has been busy this winter and I appreciate all the feedback that residents of Ward 2 have given me on the issues they are concerned about in our community. Snow removal and sidewalk safety has been a major issue which is why I was pleased to support a Motion at City Council to have City Administration look for solutions to ensure clearer sidewalks in the winter. It is important, especially for seniors and people with mobility challenges, that our sidewalks and crosswalks are kept clear during the winter months.

I proposed a Motion for democratic reform at City Hall. The Motion would have introduced term limits for Mayor and Council of 3 terms, which is 12 years. I felt 12 years gives any Councillor a lot of time to get things done for their community and to make a difference in our City. Just like boards and commissions have term limits to bring fresh ideas and faces to the table, I believe that there would be a benefit for the same to be had at City Hall. I also proposed looking into the option of Recall to help ensure greater accountability of Council. Unfortunately, both of these ideas were voted down in Council.

I was pleased to support a Motion by my colleagues Councillor Davison and Councillor Farkas to limit the number of Councillors going to the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) Conference in Halifax. These conferences cost taxpayers approximately $2500 per Councillor to attend. I believe that fewer Councillors should attend these conferences and report back to the rest of Council on what they learned and accomplished at the conference. This Motion is a good start to ensuring greater fiscal responsibility amongst City Councillors and I was very pleased to see it passed.