March 2023 Ward 2 Report – Councillor Jennifer Wyness


Working Together to Make Calgary Transit Safer

Improving safety on our transit network has been a top priority for my office over the past several months. While safety measures have been implemented by Calgary Transit, we are aware that many issues still persist. I will be participating in a ride-along with Transit peace officers to gain firsthand perspective on how we can address these issues. My office and I will also be touring the Operations Centre to fully understand the current scope of surveillance levels and response times.

My office and I have held several meetings with the leaders in Calgary Transit, Calgary Police, City Administration, and community partnerships to express concerns we’ve heard from residents regarding transit safety and cleanliness on the network.

Since our meetings, we have been notified that further safety measures will be added:

• Increased transit patrols;

• Enhanced surveillance;

• Establish downtown location for two teams along the LRT lines; and

• Hiring of 808 Calgary Transit employees, including additional sergeant positions, corporate security, and transit peace officers (to partner with the DOAP team) to support the unhoused population.

All levels of government must work together to help make transit safer for everyone. The ATU union, representing 35,000 transit workers in Canada, are calling for a national task force involving all levels of government to come up with constructive methods on how we can mitigate the risks. We must provide the best possible protections and look at all fundamentals needed to increase safety for riders and staff while ensuring the appropriate resources are deployed to those most vulnerable.

Transit Watch Text Line

If you see something, say something. The Transit Watch text messaging tool is available 24/7, and passengers can discreetly text 74100 to communicate with Calgary Transit staff and dispatch officers in real-time.

Other ways to report a concern:

• To the bus or CTrain operator, uniformed peace officer, or law enforcement authorities;

• Through the help phones located on CTrain stations, platforms, and MAX Purple stations;

• By phone at 403-262-1000; and

• In case of emergencies, always call 9-1-1.

Ward 2 – Councillor Jennifer Wyness proudly serves the following Communities: Arbour Lake, Citadel, Evanston, Hamptons, Hanson Ranch, Hawkwood, Hidden Valley, Kincora, Nolan Hill, Ranchlands, Sage Hill, Sherwood