December – Councillor Jeff Davison’s Report


Dear Neighbours,

On behalf of the Ward 6 team and the City of Calgary, we wish you and yours a happy and safe holiday season. May this holiday season be filled with celebration, community and family. Since I was elected in October, I’ve spoken to many of you at coffee shops, grocery stores, meetings and events. I look forward to working with you in the new year as we find solutions for the issues in our Ward.

My team and I have already begun work on realizing my campaign platform. As you may recall, I campaigned on ensuring that the needs of our Ward are not overlooked, while working on building safe and vibrant communities. I will focus on cost control and ensuring that the value of our citizen’s tax dollars is respected. I intend to see critical road infrastructure put in place in our Ward, and with integrated development I believe our communities will grow and prosper.

The work that I intend to do is reflected in the committees that I have been appointed to. I am thankful to sit on the Transportation and Transit Committee, where I look forward to advocating solutions to the various transportation issues in our Ward and City. I am also fortunate to sit on the Planning and Urban Development Committee where the future of Calgary’s neighbourhoods will be shaped.

Throughout my campaign, I stated that I would seek to attract business investment. I have been named to the Calgary Economic Development Board of Directors, and I look forward to supporting and encouraging both entrepreneurs and big business to invest in our City and create jobs.

As we take time to reflect on the past year and celebrate this holiday season, I assure you that I will continue to be focused on you and focused on our Ward in the new year!


Jeff Davison

Councillor – Ward 6