One Calgary


‘One Calgary’ is the newest name of Calgary’s 2019-2022 budget plan. The name speaks to bringing all City services together to create a budget that reflects our shared vision and shared priorities. In September of 2018, City Administration briefed Council on draft plans for One Calgary. That preview concerned communities and Councillors alike.

We are facing an austerity budget, with various city-shaping projects and programs at risk of decreased investment. Administration proposed to reduce funding for the pedestrian strategy, Main Streets streetscape improvements, CTrain vehicle replacement, tree planting, and more. Many of these potential cuts would hit inner-city communities the hardest. City services not only increase Calgarians’ quality of life, but represent promises made to communities by the City.

Council also heard from various Civic Partners in dire need of continued investment. Arts and culture organizations, Heritage Park, the Aero Space Museum, and Telus Spark are all experiencing financial stress due to the struggling economy. Instead of increases to their funding, these organizations are also facing cuts. Their uncertain futures will be determined through this budget process.

While we consider cuts to programs and organisations that improve the quality of life for Calgarians, we are also pursuing major projects like the 2026 Olympics, a new professional sports arena, the Green Line LRT, and bringing online 14 new suburban communities. In the One Calgary debate, I will be advocating to Council to prioritize amongst these projects and to ensure sustainable funding for the everyday programs that matter to Calgarians.

The budget deliberations will take place on November 14, and 26-30. Visit for opportunities to provide feedback.