A New Location, a Review of AHS, and Budget Changes

Calgary Acadia

With session starting earlier than planned October was filled with more time in the Legislature and watching the federal election results. We now have to take a step back and understand what Canadians choice on October 21st means for Alberta. I’ll talk a bit more about that next month.

As your MLA I am pleased to report our new location is fully up and running. Tasha is providing our neighbours the support they need to get their questions answered. Government doesn’t always do what we want but Tasha is in the office to serve as your ally and represent you to the government departments. Please talk to Tasha if you have a concern that doesn’t seem to be getting heard.

As Minister of Health I have had the opportunity to have an initial review of AHS done and am looking forward to those recommendations. Albertans are generally very pleased with the service they receive from the Health system, but I know there is great frustration around the time it can take. We must do better for you as the taxpayer and this is my focus for the new year.

Our first budget was released October 24th and while it is a serious attempt to undo the damage done over the last 4 years, it is also meant to help those most in need. Our goal is to help those who cannot help themselves while ensuring we are responsible with your dollars and protect our province for our children’s future. Not any easy task and one that may need to be tweaked along the way.