October is a Busy Month

Calgary Bow

October is a busy month for many, with Thanksgiving fast approaching and kids, adults alike looking forward to Halloween. I hope the season provides an opportunity for you to spend time with your friends and loved ones.

At the end of October, I will be hosting an Open House at my constituency office. Please watch out for details at deborahdrever.albertandpcaucus.ca or www.facebook.com/DeborahforCalgaryBow. I hope I see you there!

I’m thrilled that our government delivered nearly $130,000 in this round of Community Facility Enhancement Program (CFEP) and Community Initiative Program (CIP) grants in our communities. The Bowness Community Association received $31,680 to help run their volunteer program. The Bowness Community Association is a dedicated group of volunteers, and I know they will put the grant to good use.

The Alberta Slalom Canoe Kayak Association received $17,185 to buy equipment for the Kids Can Kayak program, the Canadian Luge Association received $40,000 to host the Viessmann Luge World Cup, and Bobsleigh Canada Skeleton received $40,000 to host the BMW IBSF Bobsleigh and Skeleton World Cup 2019. These community grants will help these organizations continue to help athletes here in Calgary. Sports are a staple of community life no matter where you go, especially here in Calgary-Bow, home to WinSport.

On August 31st, Finance Minister Joe Ceci gave our government’s First Quarter Update. The good news is that the deficit is down $1 billion and Alberta’s economic recovery is on pace. Exports are up, wholesale trade is up, manufacturing is up, and household and corporate earnings are up.

While Alberta’s economy continues to recover, we still have work to do and remain committed to our plan for a recovery that is built to last.

Our government will continue to eliminate waste, find efficiencies and manage costs, including managing public sector compensation, controlling health spending by keeping expenses below growth in population and inflation, and continuing to tightly manage discretionary spending across government.

We will also continue to defend funding for our classrooms and hospitals, so our kids have good schools and our loved ones get the care they need.

At the end of October, I will be getting ready to head back to the Legislature for session. If you ever need to contact my office for assistance or my work in the Legislature, please reach out to me.

Thank you,

Deborah Drever

MLA for Calgary-Bow