2019 Budget, Open for Business Messaging, and an Infrastructure Conference

Calgary Edgemont

Happy New Year! I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season filled with joy and celebrations with friends and family. I would also like to wish members of the Ukrainian community a very blessed Christmas, which takes place on January 7th. As the Year of the Rat begins on January 25th, I would also like to wish our friends in the Chinese community a Happy Lunar New Year filled with luck and good fortune!

I would like to take this opportunity to provide an update on the progress our government has made on delivering on our key commitments to Albertans.

On October 24th, we introduced the Fall 2019 budget, a balanced, thoughtful, and pragmatic approach to getting back to balance and bringing jobs back to Alberta. This budget supports our front-line services and invests in needed capital projects, including 15 new schools across Alberta. We also introduced a number of bills that are helping us restore the Alberta Advantage.

Our government has been hard at work spreading the message that Alberta is open for business! Premier Kenney and Minister Tanya Fir have met with various business leaders across the United States, advocating for investment in Alberta’s diverse economy, including our energy, agriculture, and technology sectors. Associate Minister of Natural Gas Dale Nally has also travelled to Japan and South Korea during November to promote investment in Alberta’s liquified natural gas market.

In November, I attended the Canadian Council for Public-Private Partnerships Conference in Toronto. I was on a panel of Infrastructure Ministers from across Canada and hosted a session to reiterate to investors from around the world that Alberta is open for business again. It was a great opportunity to meet with these key players to discuss new and innovative ways our Government can deliver public infrastructure.

MLA Prasad Panda