January 2024 MLA Report – Calgary Edgemont – Julia Hayter

Calgary Edgemont

Happy New Year Calgary-Edgemont!

I hope you and your family enjoyed a safe and healthy holiday season. My team and I enjoyed some time with our loved ones. We are rested and ready to serve the lovely people of Calgary-Edgemont.

Add your voice to the thousands of Albertans across the province who are speaking out on the proposed changes to the Canada Pension Plan!

Pension Town Hall

January 23, 2024, from 6:30 to 8:00 pm

Dalhousie Community Association (5432 Dalhart Road NW)

Please join your Calgary-Edgemont MLA Julia Hayter and Calgary-Foothills MLA Court Ellingson for a Town Hall meeting on the UCP’s proposal to leave the Canadian Pension Plan. We need to hear your voice, your questions, and your concerns. With our community’s support, we will bring this message to the legislature: Stop this destructive proposal and focus on issues that matter to everyday Albertans! I spoke against pulling out of CPP during the last session and tabled letters you wrote to me opposing this plan. Thank you for your input and I hope to hear more from you in the future.

I will continue to raise my voice in support of the people of Calgary-Edgemont and focus on the issues that matter most to my constituency. My primary focus during my time in the legislature will be how I can support the families who live here. There is much more the government can do for Alberta and I plan to be tenacious in shining a light on these issues. To see me in action, follow me on social media @NDPJulia. Is there an issue or concern you’d like me to table in the legislature? Reach out to me with your ideas!

Have you ever wondered what I as your MLA can do for you? Please contact my office if you have questions or need assistance at [email protected] or 403-288-4453.

I look forward to seeing you around the community.

MLA – Calgary Edgemont Julia Hayter proudly serves the following Communities: Dalhousie, Edgemont, Hamptons, Hawkwood, Ranchlands