October 2023 MLA Report – Calgary Edgemont – Julia Hayter

Calgary Edgemont

Hello to everyone who calls the beautiful communities in Calgary-Edgemont Home. I’m Julia Hayter, and it is an honour to be your new MLA. I look forward to representing you and bringing your needs and interests into the upcoming legislative session starting on Monday, October 30.

The communities within Calgary-Edgemont have so much to offer, including the amazing restaurants, businesses, organizations, and community groups, and I am proud to call this area of Calgary home with you all. I have recently been named the Official Opposition Critic for the Status of Women and am so thrilled about the strong and caring climate we have here in the Northwest. It is an area I’m lucky to raise my children in and to get to call you all my neighbours.

Should you require assistance with services such as notarizing documents or letters of support, please feel free to book an appointment with my office located at 202-1829 Ranchlands Blvd NW, Calgary, AB, T3G 2A7.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to my office if you have any questions or concerns, especially as they relate to provincial matters. We will do our best to help you navigate resources available to you. You can also reach our office at [email protected] or 403-288-4453.

I look forward to connecting with so many of you.

MLA – Calgary Edgemont Julia Hayter proudly serves the following Communities: Dalhousie, Edgemont, Hamptons, Hawkwood, Ranchlands