December is Upon Us

Calgary Fish Creek

December is upon us as we come to the end of yet another eventful year. The fall session of the Alberta Legislature will come to a close and much of the outspoken advocacy my colleagues and I have been working on focuses on pipelines, the economy, and jobs. It has been a tough year for Alberta, and many Albertans, on these fronts. Going into the New Year we can anticipate a spring general provincial election and I am pleased to announce that I have earned the privilege of seeking re-election as your United Conservative Party candidate. Elections bring a time of renewal for all and an opportunity for heightened awareness of the issues. It also reminds me of the honour and privilege of serving you, and the broad responsibilities you have entrusted me with. I take these seriously as a legislator, your elected representative, and as a resident, volunteer, friend and neighbour of 26 years.

On December 10, 1948 the United Nations adopted the resolution of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. In honour of this document the UN proclaimed December 10 Human Rights Day. In keeping with the International theme, I thought I would highlight some December holiday celebrations which bring joy, hope, and renewal.

December is filled with opportunities for festivals of many different faiths. For those of the Jewish Faith, Hanukkah is the “Festival of Lights” and commemorates the rededication of the Second Temple of Jerusalem. Kwanzaa, for those in Africa or African decent is Swahili for “first fruits” which is a time of gift giving. For the Buddhist faith, Bodhi Day or “day of enlightenment” is a day of meditation and performing acts of kindness to others. December 21, Winter Solstice, is the shortest day of the year and is the celebration of goodness and light over darkness and evil for Paganism. Pancha Ganapati is the Hindu equivalent for December holidays and finally Christmas is a holiday celebrated by the Christian faith to celebrate the birth of Christ. Personally, my family celebrates Christmas and we give gifts to loved ones, seek opportunities to serve or give in our community, and spend time with family. Gifts and service to others seems to be a common theme across all faiths. May the “light” in each of us seek to do good this festive season. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all! Please join me at my Christmas Holiday Open House at my Bonavista Downs office for some cheer and treats on Thursday, December 20th from 5-7pm. Ho Ho Ho!