February 2024 MLA Report – Calgary Fishcreek – Myles McDougall

Calgary Fish Creek


There is exciting news for education in Alberta. The 2022 Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) results show that Alberta continues to be a leader in education in Canada and around the world. The PISA is conducted every three years and assesses the performance of 15-year-old students in reading, mathematics, and science. On December 5, the 2022 PISA results were released and conclude that Alberta students rank first in Canada in reading, first in Canada in science, and second only behind Quebec in math.

Globally, we ranked second in reading, second in science, and seventh in math, within statistical deviation. We should all be extremely proud of Alberta’s success in these assessments, especially the success of the 1,300 students that participated, for their hard work and dedication to learning. Thank you to the teachers, staff, and parents for their continued work to support Alberta’s world-class education system.

Predictable Funding for Municipalities

Alberta’s government is helping to build Alberta’s communities by providing predictable funding so that local governments can plan more effectively for the future through the Local Government Fiscal Framework (LGFF).

Local governments across Alberta have long asked for funding that is predictable and tied to provincial growth. With input from local governments, we have finalized the allocation formula that sets out how much they will receive annually under the LGFF. The LGFF funding formula strikes a fair balance for both rural and urban local governments, meeting their need for predictable infrastructure funding while remaining fiscally responsible. In addition, we will provide a one-time top-up funding in Budget 2024 to ensure that no municipality sees a decrease, which will help local governments keep infrastructure projects on track.

Alberta Pension Plan

A friendly reminder that a workbook with sections covering various APP-related topics is available for public input until February 28, 2024. Details can be found on the Engagement Alberta Pension Plan website (www.albertapensionplan.ca/engagement).

If you have any questions or input, please feel free to reach out to my office at [email protected].

MLA – Calgary Fishcreek Myles McDougall
proudly serves the following Communities: Bonavista Downs, Deer Ridge, Deer Run, Diamond Cove, Lake Bonavista, Midnapore , Parkland, Queensland , Sundance