December 2022 MLA Report – Calgary North – Muhammad Yaseen

Calgary North

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays

The holiday season is upon us, and I’d like to wish you and your family all the best this holiday season. I hope your days are filled with family, friends, and all the love and cheer that comes with this time of year.

As I reflect upon this year, I’m proud to see the great progress we’ve made in advancing Alberta’s economy. Calgary is known globally as a hub for some of the world’s biggest energy companies and we’ve started making waves in the tech world too. A recent study from LinkedIn Talent Insights found Calgary is experiencing the fastest growth in tech talent in North America and is home to the highest concentration of high-tech workers of Canadian cities. Over the third quarter of 2022, we saw economic diversification accelerate through business expansions and new investments. From renewable energy to aviation, manufacturing to technology, companies like TC Energy, De Havilland Aircraft, Infosys, and Level 42 AI are choosing Alberta as the place they want to be.

Our province is leading the country in job growth, and people from Ontario, Manitoba, and BC are coming here in unprecedented levels to take advantage of the opportunities in Alberta. A strong economy is important for the prosperity of all Albertans. The Alberta Government will continue working hard to ensure the best for Alberta.

A special thanks to my constituents for their support as I carry out my duties as your MLA. As always, I am available to answer any questions and concerns that you may have.

MLA – Calgary North Muhammad Yaseen proudly serves the following Communities: Carrington, Evanston, Hidden Valley, Panorama Hills