Updating to Alberta’s Curriculum

Calgary Northern Hills

In June 2016, Alberta Education began developing new provincial curriculum in six subject areas: language arts, mathematics, social studies, sciences, arts, and wellness education. It was time. It had been three decades since a significant update to Alberta’s curriculum—three decades of significant societal change, alongside tremendous growth in understanding the educational methods that work for today’s students.

This past spring, Alberta Education shared the K-4 draft curriculum with Albertans to gather feedback. The result—more than 70,000 responses—ensures this curriculum is focused on the priorities of Albertans. You can access the latest draft, which includes feedback received to date, at www.new.learnalberta.ca.

David Eggen, Minister of Education, describes the new curriculum as “common sense, practical and in alignment with up-to-date research.” The new K-4 curriculum maintains focus on reading and writing, with increased attention to speaking and listening. Mathematics now emphasizes committing facts like multiplication tables to memory, along with the application of math concepts and basic financial literacy. Science continues to cover specific topics, with greater emphasis on scientific inquiry, analysis, and investigation. History and geography are now integral to the social studies curriculum. These changes are all part of ensuring kids learn the skills needed to be successful in tomorrow’s economy.

Participant Cassy Weber of MindFuel (Science Alberta Foundation) summarizes: “We appreciate the enormity of the ministry’s extensive process of engaging critical stakeholders in the reviewing and rewriting of all subjects of the K-12 curriculum. Our world is interconnected, complex and diverse, and it is important that our curriculum reflects this.”

The K-4 curriculum will likely receive ministerial approval by December, with timelines for implementation still to be set. For now, current curriculum remains in effect.

For questions about the new curriculum or any other provincial matters, please feel free to contact my office.