Recap for March

Calgary South East

In the Fall of 2017 I was contacted by a constituent who proposed changes tothe Alberta Animal Protection Act. After meeting with this gentleman my office formed a working group, comprised of stakeholders including but not limited to veterinarians, animal rescue groups, animal protection officers, groomers, and other individual stakeholders.

We looked at all sections of the current Act, and together formed changes that will be presented to the Minister of Agriculture. I will be posting updates as they become available via my Facebook Group: Alberta Animal Protection Act. If you’d like to stayinformed I invite you to join this group by sending a request.

We hope to make a difference in the lives of Alberta Animals by proposing amendments to the current act, which will enable Protection Officers to better protect those who cannot protect themselves.

Over the last month I have been fortunate to be able to visit several schools in our constituency to speak to grade 6 students about being an MLA and the Alberta Legislature. This is one of my favourite parts of my job. Thank you to students at Dr. Martha Cohen, Our Lady of the Rosary, and Prince of Peace for having me in your classrooms. I’ll be visiting more schools over the coming months.

Events and Congratulations

  • Aleppo Savon Store Tour (a shop opened by a Syrian Refugee in South East Calgary)
  • Calgary Women’s March
  • Congratulations to Holy Child School in Silverado who had their Blessing and Dedication Ceremony
  • Visited students at Strathcona-Tweedsmuir School to answer questions about vulnerable sector groups

If you have any questions, concerns or are in need of assistance, please contact my office at (403) 215-8930 or [email protected]