October’s MP Report

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MP Blake RichardsFriends,
I’m pleased to contribute to Canmore Connection’s first issue and would like to extend my congratulations in the launch of this new monthly magazine devoted to the town of Canmore’s community news, issues and events. Canmore is an amazing place to live, work and visit and I believe increasing opportunities for residents to access more local content will help continue to connect community members and local businesses.

Contributing here regularly will be another important opportunity for me to report back to you on the issues I am focused on in Ottawa. As the official Opposition Critic for Tourism and as your Member of Parliament, bringing a strong voice to the issues that matter most here continues to be my top priority. Your feedback – your letters and emails, responses to surveys, and our face-to-face conversations – have helped to refine the ideas, discussion and debate I work hard to bring to the House of Commons on your behalf.

Fighting for Taxpayers and our Economy
The Liberal government has run a budget deficit in the billions of dollars without a plan to return to balance. They eliminated arts, fitness and education tax credits for families (as well as income splitting for couples with children). They will burden every family with two working parents with up to an additional $2,200 or more per year in Canada Pension Plan (CPP) contributions, a move that hurts small businesses and puts thousands of jobs at risk at a time so many Albertans are already struggling to get back to work. I will continue to voice strong opposition to these actions that directly affect Canadians’ livelihood and so many of the families from our own community.

Canadians Demand a Referendum
While the government pushes forward with plans to change Canada’s voting system, I don’t believe this is a decision that should be made solely by politicians and political parties. When changes are proposed to our method of voting, every Canadian should have a say and that means holding a referendum. In fact, more than 73 per cent of Canadians believe only a referendum can gauge whether a change of this magnitude is truly in the best interests of all Canadians.

This is a point I will continue to make as I work with the Liberal appointed committee tasked with evaluating changes to how we elect members of parliament and form government. I will continue to engage with Canadians, here at home, and across the country on this important issue. If you agree, visit www.blakerichards.ca/have-your-say.

I would like to thank you for the opportunity to continue to serve as your representative in Ottawa. It is an honour and a privilege. For regular updates, sign up for my newsletter at blakerichards.ca or on Facebook at facebook.com/blakerichards.ca.

Blake Richards
MP Banff-Airdrie

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Blake Richards was first elected to the House of Commons in 2008 and again in 2011 in the electoral district of Wild Rose. He was re-elected in 2015 as the Member of Parliament for Banff-Airdrie, one of the largest and most diverse ridings in Canada. Mr. Richards grew up on  his family’s farm near Olds, currently lives in Airdrie, and is a member of the Royal Canadian Legion’s Exshaw branch. Prior to his election as a Member of Parliament, he was a real estate agent and volunteer firefighter.