January 2024 MP Report – Calgary Centre – Greg McLean


Dear Friends,

Happy New Year!

For those of you that follow closely, you know that my parliamentary work is interesting – and I largely focus on the areas where my prior experience and skills lead me to provide input for better solutions than the government is proposing.

This term I was shuffled around, and as Calgary Centre is the most urban riding present in my party, we need voices addressing what is one of the most broken departments in the government, the Standing Committee on Immigration.

We’ve all seen the problems associated with files touching on immigration:

• Long delays in bringing in new Canadians.

• Family reunification that causes unnecessary angst.

• The botching of getting our allies and their families out of Afghanistan when that regime changed.

• The backlogs in programs from movement in priorities that cause more delays in other areas, and, of course,

• The effect that large immigration flows is having on our national infrastructure combined with the need for the skillsets that are not being provided in our own economy; and,

• The growing out-migration of new Canadians to other countries.

Canada is a country of immigrants, and our doors will always be open to those seeking to build lives, families, and futures here. As much as our government has faltered these past years – in failing to deliver basic services, mismanaging our economy, and becoming less relevant on the international stage – we are still a beacon to many.

Expect to hear more from me on this critical social issue going forward.

Let me take this opportunity to wish you and yours all the best in the new year.

To keep up to date on my work in Parliament, feel free to visit my website, GregMcLeanMP.ca, and feel free to contact me at [email protected] or phone my office at 403-244-1880.

Thank you,

Greg McLean, MP

MP – Calgary Centre Greg McLean proudly serves the following Communities: Altadore, Alyth, Bankview, Bel-Aire , Bonnybrook, Britannia, Burns Industrial, Chinatown, Cliff Bungalow , Connaught (Beltline), Currie, Downtown East Village, Downtown West End, Eau Claire, Elbow Park, Elboya, Erlton, Garrison Green, Garrison Woods, Highfield, Inglewood, Killarney-Glengarry, Lincoln Park, Lower Mount Royal, Manchester, Manchester Industrial, Marda Loop, Mayfair, Meadowlark Park, Mission, Mount Royal, North Glenmore Park, Parkhill, Ramsay, Richmond-Knob Hill, Rideau Park, River Park, Roxboro, Rutland Park, Scarboro, Scarboro/Sunalta West, Shaganappi, South Calgary, Sunalta, Upper Mount Royal, Victoria Park, Windsor Park