July 2023 MP Report – Calgary Centre – Greg McLean



Some of the most important work on Parliament Hill doesn’t occur in the House of Commons, but in Committee rooms. Committees examine selected matters in greater depth than is possible in the House of Commons. These Committees undertake studies on departmental spending, legislation and issues related to their mandate, and deliver their reports and recommendations to Parliament.

As a member of the Environment Committee, I provide input on how Canada’s resource sector is doing its part in contributing to a clean environment. Indeed, our resource industry has led the country in reducing emissions, and is the country’s largest contributor, by far, in investing in clean technologies.

I believe we need to work toward solutions that both protect our environment and our way of life. Both can be achieved if reasonable policies are put forward, and all factors considered. In my experience, there is never a ‘silver bullet’ solution that is going to solve one environmental problem without potential negative environmental or societal effects. We need to understand the impacts of increased costs associated with more environmentally-friendly fuels, and understand how that affects escalating costs to society going forward, as well as the over-arching concern of having a reliable energy system – on which all of society depends.

The Environment committee will undertake a study this fall, considering Canada’s bodies of freshwater. Some of the topics that will be coming out of this study will be management of freshwater pollution, climate change impacts on freshwater, groundwater, and effective monitoring of our waterways.

My office is open all summer serving constituents, so please do not hesitate to contact me at [email protected] or by phone at 403-244-1880 and keep up to date on my work in Parliament on my website, GregMcLeanMP.ca.


Greg McLean

MP – Calgary Centre Greg McLean proudly serves the following Communities: Altadore, Alyth, Bankview, Bel-Aire , Bonnybrook, Britannia, Burns Industrial, Chinatown, Cliff Bungalow , Connaught (Beltline), Currie, Downtown East Village, Downtown West End, Eau Claire, Elbow Park, Elboya, Erlton, Garrison Green, Garrison Woods, Highfield, Inglewood, Killarney-Glengarry, Lincoln Park, Lower Mount Royal, Manchester, Manchester Industrial, Marda Loop, Mayfair, Meadowlark Park, Mission, Mount Royal, North Glenmore Park, Parkhill, Ramsay, Richmond-Knob Hill, Rideau Park, River Park, Roxboro, Rutland Park, Scarboro, Scarboro/Sunalta West, Shaganappi, South Calgary, Sunalta, Upper Mount Royal, Victoria Park, Windsor Park