495 New Jobs for Calgary Confederation

Calgary Confederation e

I am pleased to announce that Calgary Confederation will see 495 jobs created through 163 community groups, small businesses and non-profit organizations with the assistance of $1,306,561 of funding from the Canada Summer Jobs program.

This is a substantial increase from last year’s 361 jobs that were created with 132 employers in Calgary Confederation.

We know that services from non-profit organizations and community associations often increase in the summer months and many were concerned about their ability to offer employment opportunities again this year.

Unfortunately, a number of applicants who had previously provided critical summer jobs were banned from receiving funding this year because they refused to support the Liberal government’s values test. This has had a negative impact across Canada as organizations were rejected at an alarming rate. The latest numbers show the rejection rate this year was 12 times that of last year.

Many of these organizations provide critical employment experience and skills training for young Canadians. Statistics show us that unemployment amongst young Canadians is the highest of any age group and so the real job experience they obtain through summer jobs is critical to future employability.

The Canada Summer Jobs program provides funding to assist employers to create summer opportunities for young people aged 15 to 30 years who are full-time students intending to return to their studies this fall.

With this funding, young people will learn or improve job skills and gain work experience with local employers in areas such as retail, hospitality, marketing, technology, research and communications.

Employers will get to extend their services through the summer, allowing a variety of camps, children’s programs, specialized teaching opportunities, and unique community service programs for all ages.

This is a valuable program and I encourage community groups, small businesses and non-profit organizations to consider applying for funding next year. Hopefully, Trudeau’s values test will be eliminated for next year’s applications.