Pipeline Capacity, Federal Deficit, and Ethics and Accountability

Calgary Rocky Ridge  e

On November 29, I was pleased to be reappointed to Opposition Leader Andrew Scheer’s Shadow Cabinet. After two years as Shadow Minister for National Revenue, I was named Shadow Minister for Finance (Associate) where I will work with my opposition colleagues to hold the government accountable.

At the time of writing the new Parliament is set to meet for the first time since last Spring and there are many important issues that must be addressed. The federal government was given a very limited mandate from Canadian voters, and it must quickly address a number of pressing issues including:

  1. Keeping Canada united and strong amid rising frustration from Alberta and Saskatchewan over the lack of access to markets for our energy products due to a lack of pipeline capacity;
  2. An increasing federal deficit without a plan to return to a balanced budget;
  3. Financial anxiety felt by Canadians families, nearly half of whom have no money left after paying each month’s basic expenses;
  4. Concerns about ethics and accountability stemming from the scandals of the last Parliament, for some of which the full facts are still not known;
  5. Continuing high unemployment in the energy industry

Following the election, my constituency office is open and running at full capacity. If you have a problem with a department or agency of the federal government, my office can assist by making sure that government is following its own rules and procedures. Federal departments and agencies include the Canada Revenue Agency; Service Canada, which administers programs like the Canada Pension Plan (CPP), Old Age Security (OAS), and Employment Insurance (EI); Immigration Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC); Border Services Canada; and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP).

In addition to helping people with specific problems with the federal government I enjoy meeting with constituents to hear from them what is important to them so that I can represent the people of the communities of Calgary Rocky Ridge. Please feel welcome to call, email or drop by to let me know what is on your mind.

Pat Kelly, MP

Calgary Rocky Ridge