Remembrance Day and the Importance of Democracy

Calgary Signal Hill e

Lest We Forget

As we come out of a federal election, we are reminded that we live in a country that democratically allows for the freedom of choice by giving the people the right to choose through their vote.  It should not be forgotten that this is due to those who fought for our rights to do so.

Many men and women made the ultimate sacrifice for the liberties that we can enjoy today.

The freedoms and privileges that are afforded to Canadians are immense and have come from the hard work and dedication of many.  Governments since confederation have fought for Canadians and future Canadians through policy discussions with the intent of making lives better for all.

November 11th is the day that annually we recognize and honor those who defended our privileges that are the envy of many.  There are several ceremonies that occur in our constituency as well as around Calgary.  Please join me at the moving ceremony occurring on Battalion Park, 3001 Signal Hill Dr. SW beginning at 10:30 am.

As a tribute to those who served and died for our freedoms, the Field of Crosses Memorial Project of over 3,600 crosses is placed yearly on Memorial Drive.  Each cross memorializes an individual soldier from Southern Alberta who made the ultimate sacrifice during active duty protecting our country.  Visit the site at any point to read the names, regiments, rank, date of death and age of death of those soldiers.  For a truly moving experience, visit at sunrise or sunset for the flag raising and lowering ceremony from November 1st to November 11th.

As customary, I encourage you to proudly wear the red poppy this month to honor the veterans and soldiers that defended our country and citizens and on the 11th if you are unable to attend a ceremony, please take a moment of silence at 11:00 am to reflect on those who led the path to the freedoms and privileges that we, as Canadians, enjoy today.

It is my honor to live in this democratic society and thank you for your vote of confidence to have been given the right to be able to represent you again in the House of Commons.