An October Update from the Famous Five District Guides

Categories Girl Guides

The fun and friendship of Girl Guides is underway again for the 2019- 2020 year. Haven’t registered your daughter yet? Registration is open year-round! Go to and locate the unit finder button to find the unit best suited for you.

Girls joining Girl Guides at all ages (5 to 17) look forward to fun with a purpose. Camps are being planned, program work is decided, outings are chosen and so much more. Thanks to all those volunteer leaders and parent helpers who make it happen. It doesn’t happen without your time, talents and energies. Want to join us? Contact Pat, any-[email protected] for info.

Have you seen the girls out with the fall Chocolaty Mint cookies yet? They are available now. If you were missed in the sales campaign, contact any-[email protected] and we’ll see that you get them. Cookie sales are the main fundraiser for Girl Guides and all proceeds stay in the community to support the girls at camp and provide program opportunities. Cookies are more than just money, though. Cookies provide the girls with the opportunity to practice their sales skills, learn money management and get to know their community. Thank you for your support.