Calgary Catholic School District, Board of Trustees Update for October

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Learn more about your Calgary Catholic School District Board of Trustees!

Municipal Election 2021

Calgary’s municipal election will soon be upon us. On October 18, voters will choose their mayor, municipal councillors, and school board trustees; each of these roles is crucial to communities. School board trustees do incredibly important work on behalf of the communities they represent. During the four-year term we serve, your Calgary Catholic School District (CCSD) trustee wears many hats as part of their role:

  • Faith leaders – Catholic trustees have a dual mandate, to respect and adhere to both civil and canon law. Our schools must express the vibrant faith community that a Catholic community embodies, and Catholic trustees are responsible for ensuring that this occurs.
  • Employers – The CCSD Board of Trustees has one employee, the chief superintendent. This individual is responsible for achieving all goals on behalf of the district. The selection of a chief superintendent is one of the most important duties of a trustee.
  • Communicators and Visionaries – Trustees are entrusted to safeguard and ensure the success of their district. This demands active engagement and participation within their local communities to ensure that the perspective and concerns of the taxpayers are brought to the table to inform discussion and decision making. It is this engagement with communities that serves as the foundation of our district priorities.
  • Legislators – It is through effective policy that school boards direct the efforts of the district on behalf of the students served. As policy makers, trustees are responsible for creating, amending, and evaluating the effectiveness of district policy. Trustees are further charged with the responsibility of evaluating the effectiveness of the chief superintendent by assessing the degree to which the ends of policy have been achieved.
  • Adjudicators – Trustees have the responsibility to hear appeals on select human resource issues.
  • Financial Stewards of Public Funds – Provincially, Alberta’s school board trustees are ultimately responsible for the effective stewardship of over $8,000,000,000 in public education dollars. It is incredibly important work to ensure that these precious funds are effectively allocated in order to achieve the very best outcomes.
  • Advocates – Finally, trustees are fierce advocates for publicly funded education. The responsibility of representing the local community, as well as advocating on their behalf to create a vibrant Catholic education system, is a privilege.

This October, please get involved, your vote matters!