Bridgeland’s Park Names Approved


We are excited to report that on June 6 Calgary City Council approved the names submitted by BRCA for eight of our neighbourhood parks. As we requested, two other parks are deferred for Indigenous Naming when this becomes possible. Thank you to all who contributed to the engagements in the park settings in 2020 and 2021 and those who wrote letters of support for our proposal to City Council. We will be celebrating this achievement on September 21 in conjunction with the Farmers Market. See the details below. Our next steps will be to work toward signage for all the parks. This will involve raising the funds and designing the plaques that will tell the story of the park names and their meaning to our community. Until then, some colourful painted rocks will be placed in each park to indicate the new park names. Watch for them. Better still, take a walk and get acquainted with these parks.

Here are the approved names with the parks marked on the map below.

1. Deferred for Indigenous Naming – 4 St at 5Ave NE

2. Hidden Slopes – 520 4A St NE

3. Olmsted Terrace – 735 Bridge Crescent NE

4. Normie Kwong Park – 424 9A St NE

5. Schule Park – 1200 2 Ave NE

6. La Piazza – 912 General Ave NE

7. Anne Gale Park – 50 7 St NE

8. Helen’s Garden – 300 Santa Maria Gardens NE

9. Safe Haven Park (yet to be developed) – 11A St NE

10. Deferred for Indigenous Naming – Bow River at Nose Creek

Celebrate the naming of the parks on Thursday, September 21 from 4:00 to 7:00 pm at the Farmers’ Market. There will be various activities for children and adults, including colouring and painting, nature information, frisbee, and snacks.

Click here to the Bridgeland Community News home page for the latest Bridgeland community updates.