The Renfrew President’s Message for May


Happy May, everyone!

As the saying goes, April showers bring May flowers. The Garden Committee is gearing up for another successful growing season and the Rink Committee has wound down.

There has also been a lot of work going on at the hall, both visible and behind the scenes. From unexpected structural repairs to a complete refresh of the trailer currently occupied by Roots and Wings preschool, there has been an extraordinary amount of work going on to update and maintain the facilities. We hope to be in a position to welcome community members back into the building, when public health restrictions allow.

In April we hosted an Easter drive-through event which was a hopping success! Thank you all for the donations you provided, and to all the volunteers that made it happen. Keep your eyes on our social media and email blasts to see what other great events we have up our sleeves for the coming months. As always, the safety of our volunteers and community members is top priority, so some events may not look like they used to!

If you have been waiting for the next community clean-up event, where you can bring the results of your spring cleaning for disposal, mark your calendar for June 12 from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm. More details will be posted to our various communications channels as the time draws nearer.

Regarding the North Hill Communities Local Area Plan, at the time of writing this, we do not have a clear idea of what the next steps in engagement and community input will be. As this develops, we will be sure to communicate it out and work to provide you opportunities to provide input. Thank you for all your engagement on this important topic over the past few months.

Finally, if you have concerns about traffic or mobility in the neighbourhood, our traffic and mobility director, Maddie, will be hosting two virtual open houses to try and get feedback from the community on what concerns are of high priority. This way we will be able to prioritize and advocate for improvements more effectively. The open houses will be in the evenings on May 4 and 12. More information will be circulated closer to the day.

Hopefully the weather provides us opportunities to enjoy the outdoors and, when safe, connect from a distance with friends and neighbours. I look forward to seeing many community members out and about.

As always, stay safe and see you around the community,


David Barrett