De Winton Community Association’s AGM Notice

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De Winton Community Association (DCA) Notice of Annual General Meeting (AGM)

Thursday, January 25, 2024 | 7:00 pm

The De Winton Community Association (DCA) is a non-profit volunteer-based organization supporting our community and surrounding areas, including our community hall. The hall is a great venue for hosting professional and family functions, club or association meetings, public open houses, training sessions, and private banquet and reception events. The hall includes a large banquet area, commercial kitchen, preschool, playground, and greenspace. Many local activities are provided at no-charge to DCA members and their family (e.g., Stretching class, Bridge, Quilting, Book Club, Coffee Club).

The on-site preschool is managed by a parent preschool committee of the DCA Board. Funding of the hall and related activities is primarily through rentals, DCA memberships, and AGLC casino (and other) fundraising events.

As part of our commitment to the community, we are responsible for managing the ongoing operations of the hall, including financials, maintenance, memberships, fundraising, and employees.

Read This!

All members in good standing are invited to attend the Annual General Meeting (AGM) and meet the DCA Board!

The AGM is an important function for the sustainability of the hall. We’ll review the past year, including events, financials, operations, preschool, and membership. We’ll also talk about current and future plans.

It is also an opportunity for community members to join the Board in either a general capacity (Director), specialized role (e.g., Treasurer), or Executive. The Board meets ten times a year. Events are generally organized by committees, and occasional voting occurs between meetings. Directors join for a two-year term.

To effectively carry on as a Board we do need your assistance to fill positions. A maximum of 15 total Directors is permitted on the Board, currently consisting of the following:

• Executive Roles: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary.

• Focused Director Roles: Preschool, Facility, Membership, Communications, and Social Media.

• Others: Director at Large.

AGM – When? Where?

The DCA’s AGM is scheduled for Thursday, January 25, 2024 at 7:00 pm.

While we prefer to have a live meeting at the hall, we will monitor the environment (COVID, weather, etc.) to determine if we can support a live meeting or if we will have to defer to using Zoom. Confirmation of live vs. Zoom, along with an agenda will be emailed to DCA members approximately one week ahead of the meeting. There is no need to RSVP, just plan to join us on January 25.


Membership in the DCA helps sustain the hall operations and various programs and events. Friends and neighbours in the community are encouraged to join/renew and our annual membership fee remains at only $20 + GST for a family.

For 2024, and beyond, we continue to explore new activities and equipment at the hall – did you have a chance to check out the basketball net, horseshoe pit, soccer goals, or hopscotch this past summer? Did you make it out for our Canada Day Breakfast, Member Appreciation Night, Halloween Haunting, Social Nights, Christmas Craft Fair, etc.? Suggestions and feedback are always welcome!

Feedback, suggestions, questions, or concerns may be sent to [email protected].

Walter Turnbull Award

The Walter Turnbull Award recognizes DCA members who have made significant contributions to the DCA and community, usually over an extended period of time. Recipients are listed on plaques in the hall.

If you know of someone deserving of recognition, please provide their name, and a summary of the long-term effort and contribution(s) they have made to the DCA and community in general. The Board will review submissions shortly after the AGM.

Walter Turnbull Award nominations may be submitted to [email protected], up to, and including, the AGM.

We hope to see you (either live or virtually) on January 25!

Please note, only paid members in good standing may vote at the AGM. If you wish to attend, please join, or renew now!

Warmest Regards,

Best wishes for a safe and joyful holiday season and a very happy new year!

Your De Winton Community Association (DCA) Board of Directors, Alan Alger (President), Shirle Ternan (Treasurer), Mike Kosinec (Secretary), Jessica Ceraldi (Preschool), Cindy Poole (Facility), Edith Rabinovitch (Membership), Mia Staysko (Communication and Media), Michele Waldner (Communication and Media), as well as our on-site Facility Manager, Amanda Gotmy.

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