Arbour Lake’s What’s Up at the Lake in October


Fall Lake Hours and Flags

As the lake gets cooler and the days get shorter, the lake will have reduced hours. Once the water temperature dips below 10°C, swimming and boating activities will be closed for the season. As soon as ice starts forming in the lake, the water becomes very dangerous, and the lake area will be closed until the ice is thick enough for skating.

Flagpoles are located around the lake and at the front entrance, which indicate ice conditions as follows:

Red Flag: Full closure of the lake area (stay off and far away from the water).

Yellow Flag: Partial closure (contact the lake office or check the website for updates).

Green Flag: Lake is open for all activities for the summer or winter season.

Lake Fees

Your invoice for your annual lake fee should arrive soon for the 2022 year. If you have not received your invoice by late November, please contact the lake office for a copy of your invoice. Please be advised that this fee is mandatory, and you cannot opt out of paying it. Fees are due on January 1. Fees can be paid at the lake office by cheque or debit or through your online banking using your external reference number. Contact the office if you require assistance.

Check, Arbour Lake Residents Association on Facebook or @arbourlakeresidents on Instagram for updates on lake conditions.